Having a good reputation and brand equity with stakeholders allows a company to better absorb adversity. However, there are initiatives a company can take that provide better insulation of the brand when reputational risks are high.

By building up customer loyalty through good service, demonstration of expertise, responsive communication, community involvement, and so forth, companies can insulate themselves from occasional missteps and bad reviews. Generate enough brand insulation and a company may develop brand ambassadors or even brand defenders.

Without creating equity and insulating the brand through proactive steps, smoldering situations become full-blown crises, a disgruntled employee’s voice overtakes yours, or a negative review becomes haunting… all of which force the company to devote extra resources to the noise instead of simply tending to the error. With too much attention now being spent externally addressing the issue, secondary mistakes further compounding the situation become even more likely.

Crises preparedness is foundational to our company, and thus the reason we work hard to help our clients protect and defend their brands when there are bumps in the road.

Our scope of services is customized around where a company needs to focus its reputation efforts. Insulation initiatives may include:

  • Brand and reputation consulting
  • Online reputation management
  • Integrated communication
  • Crisis planning and recovery
  • Mergers and acquisition consulting
  • Cybersecurity response plans